Saturday, March 22, 2008

In Between the Dark & Light

In between the dark and light is fear.

numbing, crazy sensation that stems from an irrational place
it overwhelms you, drowns you in a mist of strangeness

yet in everything there must be balance,
so the lack of it explains the fear

in any moment of self-doubt or self-dislike,
the irrational culturedly phases in, in sharp pokes

and then again it is only a snap of the fingers away,
this difference of dark and light.

In between the dark and light is fear.

this fear creeps into the guilty part of yourself
and have you cry into the corners of your mind
wondering and alarmed, scattered and afraid.

if you could only calm that part of yourself down
you would be like anybody else,
safe, sheltered, unharmed
but are there such persons at all?

we are madly lost in the sorrows of war.
our primitive instinct creeping up like the way fear does
our inner groove lost in this deepening sorrow

where its safe and untouched by dirty hands
the inner city of tranquility and hereby:
excitement uncontained and quiet familiarity of the unknown
unknown no longer a source of fear (irration)

In between the dark and light is fear.

-Written between the slumbers and the cigarette cocktail-